
Repetition embodies the pattern of letting up on myself and letting go into spaciousness. What I repeat is what I learn. 

Repetition of the suspending of my weight into my height. Creating space in myself; vertical space, spinal decompression, ease; spaciousness that is grounded through my feet. Spacious mind that stays grounded in my physical contact with the earth. 

At what point in my coffee drinking am I awake enough and open enough and present enough for my sitting meditation? My mind is already busy with the to-do list. Do I need to make some notes to assure myself that the list will still be there when I am ready for action? Or do I just mentally set it aside, and arrange my legs and back for a comfortable half-hour sit. 

This is life life work...the work my soul came into flesh to do. This is the ground of my story. This learning to weave body and mind and heart into one life tapestry is living on purpose. 

The stories that precede and follow pull on different threads. The threads are always both their own color and texture, and part of the whole pattern. 

Telling the stories also has meaning for the whole cloth. Telling stories to teach, to inspire, and perhaps to heal, this is also my life purpose. 

Story by story, I weave my life together. 


Sensation by Sensation

