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Trager Level V: Beyond Self-Care 

(Compassion, Persistence and Courage in the Practice of Mentastics for Self-Development)

October 22-25, 2020

Keintalerhof, Switzerland

Gabriela Scholl-Leubli

As Practitioners, you are already employing Mentastics to prepare you for your day, to help you arrive in Hook-up, and to refresh yourself while giving Trager sessions. You are already finding natural, simple Mentastics to offer your clients for their recall and self-care between sessions. And you are already finding a few minutes now and then during the day to interrupt the fast pace of relentless activity and demand, and are using Mentastics to bring your feeling state back to a tolerable level of ease.

And occasionally in your practice, you get glimpses of a completely new you, a freer, lighter, easier you, a non-reactive you, a deeply compassionate you, an ego-less catalyst for change in others. And you know, that if you could start to be that person every day, your daily life would start to cook with new and wonderful experiences, your work would rise to new heights of effectiveness, and your practice would grow by itself.

In this 3-day retreat for Trager Practitioners we will support each other with open-hearted feedback, hands-on table explorations, and stimulating discussions as we expand our experience of Mentastics with questions like: How does my sense of self change when I balance slow wallowing in weight with rigorous and frequent practices of lightness, freedom and speed? How do I carve out new spaciousness in my bodymind, and how do I sustain it? How do I move beyond the old habits I am caught in, when I am the one guiding the inquiry? How do I embody the new freedom and spaciousness of mind that will direct and motivate my inquiry into new and ever deeper possibilities in the future?

July 19

Speaking and Listening with the Body Systems