Schedule of upcoming classes
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Read about the Certification Training Program at PMTI here.

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement
Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement
Dates: March 13-16, 2025
Location: Blueberry Gardens, Ashton, Maryland, USA
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Cost: Regular Registration $660
Register here:
This 4-day class is open to everyone!
It prepares students for and is included in the Certification Training Program that runs May 2025 through December 2026 in Maryland. For full program details see:
It is offered with stand-alone registration and includes 24 hours of training:
Thursday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
Friday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
Saturday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
Sunday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
24 CE hours credit for professional bodyworkers.
The Trager® Professional Certification Training: Mentastics is the title recognized by NCBTMB. If the participant registers by the end of this class for the whole program and pays the $100 Student Membership fee to the USTA, it counts as the required Mentastics class in the program.
Class Description:
Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.
He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.
Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.
This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:
Fully embodied presence
Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement
Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness
Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning
Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges
Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity
Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web
Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities
Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe
The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager Approach
Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.
Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.
Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.
Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.
Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.
Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement
Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement
Dates: April 10-13, 2025
Location: Kokemäki Seurahuone in Kokemäki, Finland
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English with Finnish translation
Contact: Sirpa Jauhiainen,, +358 50 3380 226
This 4-day, 24-hour class is open to everyone!
It prepares students for and serves as the Mentastics portion of the Trager Certification Training Program.
Class Description:
Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.
He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.
Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.
This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:
Fully embodied presence
Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement
Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness
Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning
Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges
Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity
Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web
Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities
Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe
The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager Approach
Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.
Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.
Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.
Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.
Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.
Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

Trager Level V: Spirals and Diagonals
Trager Level V: Spirals and Diagonals
Training Dates: April 18-20, 2025
Location: Seeham, Austria
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: Deutsch und English
Contact: Gertraud Neumyer,, +49 176 39229489
View the Introductory Video with German subtitles here:
Through my 40 years of Trager practice, and from years before as a dancer, I have explored and learned to see and feel movement in the body along spiral and diagonal pathways. Through sensing and working with various qualities of movement along these lines we can contact and help free up deep structures in the neck, back, hips, chest and belly. We also find alternate ways to reach areas otherwise unavailable in some clients due to positioning or contact restrictions. We avoid falling into seeing the body as two dimensional. This gives us more flexibility in our work.
In this workshop designed for Trager Practitioners, we'll develop our awareness and ability to feel these pathways, and the connective tissue that creates them, both in ourselves and in our clients. We'll explore Mentastics that broaden our awareness of three-dimensional movement patterns, elongation, elasticity, and springy vitality. And spend much of our time practicing simple, efficient ways of facilitating these movement possibilities in our tablework partners.

Trager Level 1
Trager Level 1 Training Semester
Training Dates: May 8-11, July 10-13, and September 11-14, 2025
Supervised Practice Days: June 15, August 10, and October 12, 2025
Location: Blueberry Gardens, Ashton, Maryland, USA
Instructor: Roger Tolle (
Part of the PMTI 2025-2026 Certification Program. To register visit (
Level 1A (May)
Manual therapy grounded in Trager principles; session practice protocol and supine tablework
Level 1B (July)
Developing additional principles in Morning Practice; and prone tablework protocols
Level 1C (September)
Seated and side-lying practice guidelines.
72 NCBTMB CEs (identified as “Trager Professional Training: Level 1” and “Trager Professional Training: Sidelying”)

Training Dates: September 11-14, 2025
Location: Blueberry Gardens, Ashton, Maryland, USA
Instructor: Roger Tolle,
Language: English
Part of the PMTI 2025-2026 Certification Program. To register visit (
Class Description:
In this class, we expand on tablework vocabulary with clients in the sidelying position. We'll highlight the importance of bolstering to enhance physical and emotional support for your clients, as well as to keep clear boundaries and deepen Hook-up. You’ll be encouraged to develop continually freer and easier movement for yourself at the table, listen more deeply to the tissue responses, and explore a playful balance of Trager principles throughout.
When working with clients propped in the sidelying position, we can comfortably accommodate:
those with tighter spinal structures like kaiphosis, lordosis and scoliosis,
women in the later stages of pregnancy,
the frail elderly,
the emotionally distressed or traumatized,
those for whatever reason are not comfortable lying flat on their backs or bellies.
Prerequisites: Trager Level 1, or permission from Instructor
24 NCBTMB CEs (identified as “Trager Professional Training: Sidelying”)

Trager Level 2
Trager Level 2 Training Semester
Training Dates: November 6-9, 2025, January 8-11, and March 12-15, 2026
Supervised Practice Days: November 30, 2025, February 8 and April 12, 2026
Location: Blueberry Gardens, Ashton, Maryland, USA
Instructor: Roger Hughes (2A and 2B) and Katriona Shawki (2C)
Language: English
Part of the PMTI 2025-2026 Certification Program. To register visit (
Level 2A (November)
Supine Adaptations and Variations to address more variety of clients and their issues
Level 2B (January)
Prone, Seated and Sidelying Adaptations and Variations to address more variety of clients and their issues
Level 2C (March)
Reflex Response Basics. Super Subtle Touch. Stimulating Biontensegral Expansion.
72 NCBTMB CEs (identified as “Trager Professional Training: Level 2” and “Trager Professional Training: Reflex Response 1”)

Reflex Response 1
Trager Elective: Reflex Response 1
Training Dates: March 12-15, 2026
Location: Blueberry Gardens, Ashton, Maryland, USA
Instructor: Katriona Shawki
Language: English
Reflex Response Basics. Super Subtle Touch. Stimulating Biotensegral Expansion
24 NCBTMB CEs (identified as “Trager Professional Training: Reflex Response 1”)

Trager Level 3
Trager Level 3 Training Semester
Training Dates: May 14-17, July 9-12, and September 17-20, 2026
Supervised Practice Days: June 14, August 16, and October 17-18
Location: Blueberry Gardens, Ashton, Maryland, USA
Instructor: Roger Tolle (3A and 3B) and Eileen Dickinson (3C)
Language: English
Part of the PMTI 2025-2026 Certification Program. To register visit (
Level 3A (May)
Conducting a more effective interview. Building client-centered sessions
Level 3B (July)
Challenging yourself in Presence, Touch, and Movement. Educating the public and leading groups
Level 3C (September)
Relevant science for the art of the Trager Approach
72 NCBTMB CEs (identified as “Trager Professional Training: Level 3” and “Part 2: Anatomy and Physiology for the Trager Approach”)

Anatomy II
Anatomy and Physiology for the Trager Approach (Part 2): Relevant Science for the Art of the Trager Approach
Training Dates: September 17-20, 2026
Location: Blueberry Gardens, Ashton, Maryland, USA
Instructor: Eileen Dickinson
Language: English
Part of the PMTI 2025-2026 Certification Program. To register visit (
24 CE Credits (identified as Part 2: Anatomy and Physiology for the Trager Approach)

Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement
Somatic Foundations of Presence, Touch, and Movement
Dates: March 6-9, 2025
Location: Mountain View Studio, Charlottesville, VA
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Wilfred Henry,
Cost: Regular Registration $600. Sliding scale available.
Register here:
This 4-day class is open to everyone!
It prepares students for and is included in the Certification Training Program that runs May 2025 through December 2026 in Maryland. For full program details see:
It is offered with stand-alone registration and includes 24 hours of training:
Thursday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
Friday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
Saturday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
Sunday, 10:00-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
24 CE hours credit for professional bodyworkers.
The Trager® Professional Certification Training: Mentastics is the title recognized by NCBTMB. If the participant registers by the end of this class for the whole program and pays the $100 Student Membership fee to the USTA, it counts as the required Mentastics class in the program.
Class Description:
Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.
He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.
Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.
This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:
Fully embodied presence
Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement
Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness
Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning
Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges
Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity
Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web
Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities
Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe
The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager Approach
Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.
Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.
Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.
Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.
Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.
Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

Trager Level 2
Trager Level II
November Feb 15-21, 2025
Location: Ft. Myers, FL
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Marva Sletton, 239 910-7577,
239 910-7577239 910-7577

Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach
Somatic Foundations of the Trager® Approach
Dates: January 9-12, 2025
Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact:, (202) 686-7046
Cost: Regular Registration $660. Early Bird registration: $599. (Both include $100 deposit.)
This 4-day class is open to everyone!
It prepares students for and is included in the Certification Training Program that runs May 2025 through December 2026. For full program details see:
It is offered with stand-alone registration and includes 24 hours of training:
Thursday, January 9th - 10:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
Friday, January 10th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
Saturday, January 11th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-5:30
Sunday, January 12th - 9:30-1:00 / 2:30-4:30
24 CE hours credit for professional bodyworkers.
The Trager® Professional Certification Training: Mentastics is the title recognized by NCBTMB. If the participant registers by the end of this class for the whole program and pays the $100 Student Membership fee to the USTA, it counts as the required Mentastics class in the program.
Class Description:
Somatic movement experience is at the heart of Dr. Milton Trager’s remarkable life work, teaching new, positive body experiences through informed, intuitive touch and movement. The remarkable potency in his enveloping hands was often described as “light as a dancing cloud.” Those of us who studied with him and applied his Approach to working with a wide variety of clients in different settings discovered that behind the apparent simplicity was an integrated application of essential somatic movement principles.
He coined the term “Mentastics” (contraction of mental and gymnastics) to refer to a wide variety of movement and awareness processes, explorations, and movement experiments at the heart of his work. These have informed, structured and given meaning to the practices of thousands of students around the world since 1975.
Those who spent years studying with Dr. Trager, including Master Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist Roger Tolle, recognized a body of work in which every touch provides both safety and meaningful challenges to unconscious habits, where a wide variety of innovative movement coaching invites clients step by step into new, more playful and functional life patterns, and where movement discomfort dissolves as the body’s simple, natural, graceful design takes over. At the heart of this work is the joy of coming from a deeply peaceful inner state while leaning into aliveness and connection in all interactions. Roger brings an enthusiasm and passion from 40 years in private practice and teaching the Trager® Certification Training Program in 16 countries on 5 continents.
This class focuses on the somatic movement foundations of Trager’s presence, touch, and movement through integrated practice of the essential principles, including:
Fully embodied presence
Softness in attention, intention, contact and movement
Weight - sensing lightness and groundedness
Fluidity in tissue and movement patterning
Balancing floating in the sweet center with playing at the edges
Artful transitions in speed, size, density, intensity
Taking out the slack in the three-dimensional biotensegral web
Integrating meaningful movement into both professional and personal life activities
Connecting to ourselves, our partners, the earth, and to the life forces of the universe
The class also introduces the benefits of studying the Trager® Approach
Replacing restrictive movement habits with natural, graceful movement patterns.
Reframing daily self-care exercises as opportunities for mindful embodiment and self-development.
Equipping participants with practices to better navigate stress and cultivate resilience.
Integrating somatic practices into spiritual exploration and creative expression.
Addressing the somatic dimensions of trauma, depression, and anxiety, offering pathways to healing and transformation.
Enriching both professional and personal relationships (platonic and intimate) through embodied presence and attuned connection.

Transforming Touch
Transforming Touch
October 5-6, 2024
Location: HeartMind Resiliency, Richmond, VA
Registration deadline: Sept 20, 2024
Register at
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Wilfred at, 434-962-6642
Or Roger at, 434-227-6934
Class Description:
This two-day workshop illuminates the transformative experiences you bring to your clients when your touch pays more attention to sensing than doing – when your intention focuses less on resolving symptoms and more on freeing the body from unhealthy, unconscious patterns.
In the tradition of somatic movement therapy pioneer Dr. Milton Trager, you’ll learn to touch with full-body presence, ease, curiosity, delight, and depth. You’ll discover the power of softness and potent listening in your hands. You’ll witness the deep letting go that occurs when your clients feel their weight supported by the earth and their liquid body awash in pleasurable waves and quiet floating. You will be moved by your capacity to connect authentically. What will it be like to become as vast and effortlessly transformative as the fingers of the ocean reshaping a beach?
Prerequisites: None. Designed for anyone who touches as part of a health supportive professional practice, and also valuable in personal relationships, both platonic, familial and intimate.
Cost: Sliding Scale $250-500
12 NCBTMB CE Credits Available for this Trager Introductory Workshop

Transforming Touch
Transforming Touch
September 28-29, 2024
Location: YogaJoint, Provincetown, MA
Registration deadline: Sept 13, 2024
Register at
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Chase Alexander,, (508) 413-9563
Or Wilfred at, (434) 962-6642
Class Description:
This two-day workshop illuminates the transformative experiences you bring to your clients when your touch pays more attention to sensing than doing – when your intention focuses less on resolving symptoms and more on freeing the body from unhealthy, unconscious patterns.
In the tradition of somatic movement therapy pioneer Dr. Milton Trager, you’ll learn to touch with full-body presence, ease, curiosity, delight, and depth. You’ll discover the power of softness and potent listening in your hands. You’ll witness the deep letting go that occurs when your clients feel their weight supported by the earth and their liquid body awash in pleasurable waves and quiet floating. You will be moved by your capacity to connect authentically. What will it be like to become as vast and effortlessly transformative as the fingers of the ocean reshaping a beach?
Prerequisites: None. Designed for anyone who touches as part of a health supportive professional practice, and also valuable in personal relationships, both platonic, familial and intimate.
Cost: Sliding Scale $250-500
12 NCBTMB CE Credits Available for this Trager Introductory Workshop

Transforming Touch
Transforming Touch
September 14-15, 2024
Location: Belmont Studio, Charlottesville, VA
Registration deadline: Aug 31, 2024
Register at
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Wilfred at, (434) 962-6642
Or Roger at, 434-227-6934
Class Description:
This two-day workshop illuminates the transformative experiences you bring to your clients when your touch pays more attention to sensing than doing – when your intention focuses less on resolving symptoms and more on freeing the body from unhealthy, unconscious patterns.
In the tradition of somatic movement therapy pioneer Dr. Milton Trager, you’ll learn to touch with full-body presence, ease, curiosity, delight, and depth. You’ll discover the power of softness and potent listening in your hands. You’ll witness the deep letting go that occurs when your clients feel their weight supported by the earth and their liquid body awash in pleasurable waves and quiet floating. You will be moved by your capacity to connect authentically. What will it be like to become as vast and effortlessly transformative as the fingers of the ocean reshaping a beach?
Prerequisites: None. Designed for anyone who touches as part of a health supportive professional practice, and also valuable in personal relationships, both platonic, familial and intimate.
Cost: Sliding Scale $250-500
12 NCBTMB CE Credits Available for this Trager Introductory Workshop

Trager Level III
August 8-11 and October 17-20, 2024
Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD
Registration deadline: July 12, 2024
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Shannon, at (202) 686-7046
Note: This class is included in the Certification Training Program that runs August 2023 through December 2024. For full program details see: Certification Series

Dancing Within: Deepening Personal Mentastics and Transforming Client Connections (Level 2C)
June 13-16, 2024
Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD
Registration deadline: June 1, 2024
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: (202) 686-7046
Note: This class is included in the Certification Training Program that runs August 2023 through December 2024. For full program details see: Certification Series

Freeing the Voice
June 7, 2024
Location: Bettenburg, Germany
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: German and English, for the German National Association (TVD)
A day of exploring fuller self-expression, with a special table work focus on the face, jaw, throat and voice. Can we connect with our inner voices, and discover the richness of soft inwardly focused movement and sound combinations? In seeking whole-hearted ways of communicating, we’ll build better breath support and sound into and out of our own bodies, then join our voices in a communal sounding circle.
Many of you know Roger from his videos and the classes he’s been teaching for over three decades around the world and within the German community. His somewhat simple German language skill has been reported to help relax complex thinking in favor of delicious and transformative sensory experiencing. For more about him, see

Opening the Heart
June 5-6, 2024
Location: Bettenburg, Germany
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: German and English
Each morning, we engage in pleasurable, playful and profound somatic movement explorations grounded in the principles of Trager Mentastics and supported by a rich selection of music. What is it like to lean into joy while moving, while resting, while connecting with others? Supported by new learning in Tragerology, the hands-on work will deepen themes begun in our personal explorations. The workshop will provide inspiration for our professional practices, and facilitate feelings of openness, freedom, ease, and inner expansion in our clients.
Many of you know Roger from his videos and the classes he’s been teaching for over three decades around the world and within the German community. His somewhat simple German language skill has been reported to help relax complex thinking in favor of delicious and transformative sensory experiencing. For more about him, see

Dancing Within: Deepening Personal Mentastics and Transforming Client Connections
Dancing Within: Deepening Personal Mentastics and Transforming Client Connections
May 31 to June 2, 2024
Location: Wingerdweg 32, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Registration deadline: May 1, 2024
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Helen Land,, 011 31 6 20 61 61 54

Trager Level II
February 8-11 and April 11-14, 2024
Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD
Registration deadline: January 25, 2024
Instructor: Roger Hughes
Language: English
Contact:, (202) 686-7046
Note: This class is included in the Certification Training Program that runs August 2023 through December 2024. For full program details see: Certification Series

Level 5: The Heart of the Matter
Level 5: The Heart of the Matter
January 25-28, 2024. Thursday 10 am till Sunday 3 pm
Location: Kientalerhof, Switzerland
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: German and English
Contact: Gabriela Scholl,
This class will focus specifically on the body’s core and how to access it from the limbs, chest and back to free up breath, posture, and emotional expression. We will tune into the whole person, finding our most effective ways of facilitating change through careful attention to psycho-physical attitudes, to restrictions in movement, breath, and voice patterning, and to relative stability and mobility in the myofascial web of support. We’ll cultivate deeper listening in our touch to engage seamlessly with the client’s breathing cycle. We’ll soften our therapeutic presence with more kindness and patience, and expand our biotensegral body structure to meet weight with lightness.
In our preparation Mentastics, we’ll lean into the deep joy of acknowledging the wisdom and possibility alive in the one and precious body we live in. We’ll practice opening our hearts to the more authentic and vulnerable self we can become. And we will share all of it in simple ways our client’s can integrate in their lives.

Sidelying Trager (Level 1C)
December 7-10, 2023
Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD
Registration deadline: Nov 24, 2023
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: (202) 686-7046
Note: This class is included in the Certification Training Program that runs August 2023 through December 2024. For full program details see: Certification Series

Mentastics: Dancing From Within
Mentastics: Dancing From Within
September 16-17, 2023
Location: Boulder, CO
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Joseph Rodin, (206) 596-6782,
Note: Saturday will review foundational principles of Trager through somatic movement explorations alone and in pairs. Sunday will be structured as a Supervised Practice Day to apply these principles to the inner work we do as we work with clients at the table. This class is included in the Certification Training Program that runs March 2023 through September 2024. For full program details see:

Trager Level 1
Trager Level 1
August 10-13 and October 12-15, 2023
Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD
Registration deadline: June 30, 2023
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: (202) 686-7046
Note: This class is the first step in the Certification Training Program that runs August 2023 through December 2024. For full program details see: Certification Series

Trager Level 1
Trager Level 1
June 2-4 and 9-11, 2023
Location: Boulder, CO
Registration deadline: May 22, 2023
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Joseph Rodin, (206) 596-6782,
Note: This class is the first step in the Certification Training Program that runs through September 2024. For full program details see:

Transforming Touch: Becoming the Ocean
May 20-21, 2023
Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD
Registration deadline: May 5, 2023
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Jennifer Brennan, (202) 686-7046
Class Description:
This two-day workshop illuminates the transformative experiences you bring to your clients when your touch pays more attention to sensing than doing – when your intention focuses less on resolving symptoms and more on freeing the body from unhealthy, unconscious patterns.
In the tradition of somatic movement therapy pioneer Dr. Milton Trager, you’ll learn to touch with full-body presence, ease, curiosity, delight, and depth. You’ll discover the power of softness and potent listening in your hands. You’ll witness the deep letting go that occurs when your clients feel their weight supported by the earth and their liquid body awash in pleasurable waves and quiet floating. You will be moved by your capacity to connect authentically. What will it be like to become as vast and effortlessly transformative as the fingers of the ocean reshaping a beach?
Prerequisites: None

Level III
Level III
May 5-6-7 + 13-14.
Location: San Sebastián, Spain (Basque Country)
Registration deadline: 5th of April.
Schedule: from 9'30 to 13'30 / from 15h to 19h.
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Place: Nikabio Center - 51 San Francisco street - 20002 San Sebastián (Donostia)
Price: 500€
Language: Course taught in English with simultaneous translation into Spanish.
Contact: Gracia Ma Salaberria, + 34 650 103 253,

Washing Out the Fascial Sweater
Washing Out the Fascial Sweater
April 15, 2023
Location: Blueberry Gardens Healing Center, Ashton, MD
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Jennifer Brennan, (202) 686-7046
Class Description: What happens when bodywork sessions speak eloquently and listen deeply to the multi-dimensional, multi-planar fascial sweater that weaves around and through the torso?
Through discussion, demonstration and practice, we share the role of skillful touch and mindful movement on body shape, posture, sensory connection and graceful movement.
Perspectives and stories are drawn from study with the pioneers in the bodywork and movement education fields and my own decades-long personal explorations and clinical applications.
Please wear loose, easy-to-move-in clothes and bring your smartphone. You will have the option of being videoed on your own camera at the beginning and end of the day.

Trager Level 1
Trager Level 1
Mar 24-26 and Mar 31-Apr 2, 2023
Location: Boulder, CO
Registration deadline: Mar 1, 2023
Instructor: Roger Tolle
Language: English
Contact: Joseph Rodin, (206) 596-6782,
Note: This class is the first step in the Certification Training Program that runs through September 2024. For full program details see:

Introduction to the Trager Approach
Introduction to the Trager Approach (ITT)
March 12, 2023, 10am-5pm
PMTI, 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 700, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Roger Tolle, Instructor
For students enrolled in the PMTI massage training program
Contact: Brenda Rayner, (202) 686-7046
The Trager® Approach to Somatic Movement and Manual Therapy is pleasurable, gentle, nurturing and non-invasive. Integrating principles of this work helps you address your clients’ specific concerns, whether to bring more joy into life, to enhance athletic performance, explore and release emotional constriction, or to address the functional limitations of pain, medical conditions, aging, disease, or injuries.

Movement Perspectives in Bodywork
Movement Perspectives in Bodywork (MPB)
March 11, 2023, 10am-5pm
PMTI, 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 700, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Roger Tolle, Instructor
For students enrolled in the PMTI massage training program
Contact: Brenda Rayner, (202) 686-7046
Movement: the essence of being alive. Your individual unique way of moving reflects not only your level of wellness, but your entire personality, the way you feel yourself taking your place in the world. It is your birthright to move naturally with ease and comfort. Whoever you are, in whatever condition, with whatever personal history, you can always learn to improve the quality of what you do.
In this one-day workshop for second level massage students, we use movement to increase sensation, body awareness, and proprioception. We explore grounding, sensing, elongating, freeing and enlivening as tools for preparing to touch intelligently and with nuanced awareness.

January 14, 2023
PMTI, 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 700, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Roger Tolle, Instructor
Contact: (202) 686-7046
Class Description:
The feeling and function of our feet has an effect on our entire body. The Trager® Approach offers great ways of working effectively with foot related issues brought to us by clients. Self-care Trager practices also bring refreshed levels of sensitivity, support and comfort for our own feet, legs, pelvis, back and beyond. In this interactive workshop, Roger shares his experience and understanding of how positive feeling fuels and restores natural function, as well as insight into the deep, long-lasting impact of grounded presence. Walk away with a new spring in your step!
Prerequisites: None

December 10, 2022
PMTI, 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 700, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Roger Tolle, Instructor
Contact: (202) 686-7046
Class Description:
The Trager® Approach offers great ways of working effectively with hand related issues brought to us by clients. The work also offers excellent practices for developing new levels of sensitivity, skill, quality and comfort for our own hands, arms and shoulders. Drawn from decades in practice and teaching, Roger shares his understanding of kinetic physiology and the interdependent influences of mind and body in movement, as well as insight into the deep, long-lasting impact of potent softness. Touching your clients will never be the same.
Prerequisites: None

Spirals and Diagonals
Level V: Spirals and Diagonals
Location: Puerto Morelos, Mexico (on the beach near Cancun)
Training Dates: November 2-4, 2022 (Come a few days before, stay a few days after, to enjoy a beach vacation.)
Instructor: Roger Tolle,
Language: English (French, Spanish or German translation if needed.)
Class Fee: $450 if paid by September 1, 2022, or $550 thereafter.
Contact for registration, and for housing in nearby rooms, casitas and apartments
Martina Stamand +52- 998-213-4595,,
Class Description:
Through my many years of Trager practice, and from years before as a dancer, I have explored and learned to see and feel movement in the body along spiral and diagonal pathways. Through sensing and working with various qualities of movement along these lines we can contact and help free up deep structures in the neck, back, hips, chest and belly. We also find alternate ways to reach areas otherwise unavailable in some clients due to positioning or contact restrictions. We avoid falling into seeing the body as two dimensional. This gives us more flexibility in our work.
In this workshop designed for Trager Practitioners, we'll develop our awareness and ability to feel these pathways, and the connective tissue that creates them, both in ourselves and in our clients. We'll explore Mentastics that broaden our awareness of three-dimensional movement patterns, elongation, elasticity, connection and expansion. And spend much of our time practicing simple, efficient ways of facilitating these movement possibilities in our tablework partners.
Prerequisites: Trager Practitioner, or permission from Instructor

Transforming Touch: Becoming the Ocean
Transforming Touch: Becoming the Ocean
October 8-9, 2022
PMTI, 8701 Georgia Avenue, Suite 700, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Roger Tolle, Instructor
Contact: (202) 686-7046
Class Description:
This two-day workshop illuminates the transformative experiences you bring to your clients when your touch pays more attention to sensing than doing – when your intention focuses less on resolving symptoms and more on freeing the body from unhealthy, unconscious patterns.
In the tradition of somatic movement therapy pioneer Dr. Milton Trager, you’ll learn to touch with full-body presence, ease, curiosity, delight, and depth. You’ll discover the power of softness and potent listening in your hands. You’ll witness the deep letting go that occurs when your clients feel their weight supported by the earth and their liquid body awash in pleasurable waves and quiet floating. You will be moved by your capacity to connect authentically. What will it be like to become as vast and effortlessly transformative as the fingers of the ocean reshaping a beach?
Prerequisites: None

Mentastics with Groups
Mentastics with Groups
September 18, 2022
Seeham, Austria
Roger Tolle, Instructor
Language: Deutsch und Englisch
Contact: Gertraud Neumayr,, +49 176 39229489
Class Description:
Whether you want to lead a small group of your clients in your home studio as a way to expand your practice, or present Trager’s elegant and potent principles to large groups at professional conferences, leading Mentastics groups can become a way to practice “Movement as a Way to Agelessness" for yourself. To gain confidence and effectiveness in leading Mentastics for a wide variety of groups, you'll not only need good training, but also lots of practice. This class will get you started.
In this one-day workshop,
we’ll identify principles of Milton's work
explore processes to support participants’ learning
brainstorm possible themes to focus on
develop strategies to help you get your intentions across
Then you’ll have the opportunity to lead a small group to get immediate and helpful feedback. By following clear feedback structures, you and your colleagues can identify both your strengths and your growing edges so you can chart your way forward.
Prerequisites: Trager Level 2, or permission from Instructor

September 16-17, 2022
Seeham, Austria
Roger Tolle, Instructor
Language: Deutsch und Englisch
Contact: Gertraud Neumayr,, +49 176 39229489
Class Description:
In this class, we expand on tablework vocabulary with clients in the sidelying position. We'll highlight the importance of bolstering to enhance physical and emotional support for your clients, as well as to keep clear boundaries and deepen Hook-up. You’ll be encouraged to develop continually freer and easier movement for yourself at the table, listen more deeply to the tissue responses, and explore a playful balance of Trager principles throughout.
When working with clients propped in the sidelying position, we can comfortably accommodate:
those with tighter spinal structures like kaiphosis, lordosis and scoliosis,
women in the later stages of pregnancy,
the frail elderly,
the emotionally distressed or traumatized,
those for whatever reason are not comfortable lying flat on their backs or bellies.
To provide support for receivers, please bring two full size bed pillows and two smaller pillows with you to class, as well as sheets for yourself when receiving.
As a bonus, participants who register at least a month in advance will receive the link to stream Roger’s video review “Sidelying in Practice” at the end of the weekend.

September 8-11, 2022
Kiental, Switzerland
Roger Tolle, Instructor
Language: Deutsch und Englisch
Contact: Gabriela Scholl,
Class Description:
In this class, we expand on tablework vocabulary with clients in the sidelying position. We'll highlight the importance of bolstering to enhance physical and emotional support for your clients, as well as to keep clear boundaries and deepen Hook-up. You’ll be encouraged to develop continually freer and easier movement for yourself at the table, listen more deeply to the tissue responses, and explore a playful balance of Trager principles throughout.
When working with clients propped in the sidelying position, we can comfortably accommodate:
those with tighter spinal structures like kaiphosis, lordosis and scoliosis,
women in the later stages of pregnancy,
the frail elderly,
the emotionally distressed or traumatized,
those for whatever reason are not comfortable lying flat on their backs or bellies.
To provide support for receivers, please bring two full size bed pillows and two smaller pillows with you to class, as well as sheets for yourself when receiving.
As a bonus, participants who register at least a month in advance will receive the link to stream Roger’s video review “Sidelying in Practice” at the end of the weekend.
Prerequisites: Trager Level 2, or permission from Instructor