This is the third weekend in the year-long training program at PMTI, and is positioned as an integral part of the Level I program curriculum. It may also be taken on its own by Trager practitioners and students who have taken at least a Level I training elsewhere.
Read more about the Certification Training Program at PMTI here.
In this class, we introduce and expand on the tablework vocabulary with the client in the sidelying position. The class highlights the importance of emotional support for your clients, as well as keeping clear boundaries and deepening Hook-up. You’ll be encouraged to develop or expand your own vocabulary of freer and easier movements through a deeper listening to the tissue and a playful balance of basic Trager principles.
When working with clients propped in the sidelying position, we can comfortably accommodate:
those with tighter spinal structures like kaiphosis, lordosis and scoliosis
women in the later stages of pregnancy
the frail elderly
the emotionally distressed or traumatized
those for whatever reason are not comfortable lying flat on their backs or bellies