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Somatic Movement Therapy Moves Online

Online course for Somatic Movement Therapists who are interested in working with some of their clients in an online environment.

In the 5-segment online course, we’ll focus on key elements of Trager and other Somatic Movement Therapies that can be effectively applied to working with clients in an online environment. Segments include:

  1. Protocol: Simple structuring for online sessions

  2. Presence: Deepening embodied, sensory comfort and ease

  3. Self-touch: Modeling, guiding, and finding evocative language

  4. Movement: Uncovering what is possible, teaching principles of natural ease

  5. Recall: Embedding a feeling experience in the unconscious mind

In each 2 hour segment you will be guided to: 

  • Describe and model important aspects of Somatic Movement Therapy

  • Discover and learn to lead from your already established strengths

  • Tease out insecurisions. 

Five Wednesdays, Nov 11 through Dec 9, 2020. 

1:00-3:00 pm EST. 

$125. Single segments will not be available separately; all segments will be recorded for later review; handouts provided each week in advance.

Details at TragerApproach.US. Register at exec@TragerApproach.US.


November 4

Working from your Strengths and Leaning into your Growing Edges

November 14
