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Spirals and Diagonals


Level V: Spirals and Diagonals

Location: Puerto Morelos, Mexico (on the beach near Cancun)

Training Dates: November 2-4, 2022 (Come a few days before, stay a few days after, to enjoy a beach vacation.)

Instructor: Roger Tolle,  

Language: English (French, Spanish or German translation if needed.)

Class Fee: $450 if paid by September 1, 2022, or $550 thereafter.

Contact for registration, and for housing in nearby rooms, casitas and apartments

Martina Stamand +52- 998-213-4595,,


Class Description:

Through my many years of Trager practice, and from years before as a dancer, I have explored and learned to see and feel movement in the body along spiral and diagonal pathways. Through sensing and working with various qualities of movement along these lines we can contact and help free up deep structures in the neck, back, hips, chest and belly. We also find alternate ways to reach areas otherwise unavailable in some clients due to positioning or contact restrictions. We avoid falling into seeing the body as two dimensional. This gives us more flexibility in our work.

In this workshop designed for Trager Practitioners, we'll develop our awareness and ability to feel these pathways, and the connective tissue that creates them, both in ourselves and in our clients. We'll explore Mentastics that broaden our awareness of three-dimensional movement patterns, elongation, elasticity, connection and expansion. And spend much of our time practicing simple, efficient ways of facilitating these movement possibilities in our tablework partners.


Prerequisites: Trager Practitioner, or permission from Instructor


October 8

Transforming Touch: Becoming the Ocean

December 10
